Mercy Alley

If you are a preacher of mercy, do not preach an imaginary but the true mercy. If the mercy is true, you must therefore bear the true, not an imaginary sin. God does not save those who are only imaginary sinners. Be a sinner, and let your sins be strong, but let your trust in Christ be stronger, and rejoice in Christ who is the victor over sin, death, and the world.Luther Down Mercy Alley, all the wretches find a home - indeed, the only home there is, and wretches are all we are.

Monday, November 07, 2005

If It Were A Snake

It would totally bite me. I accidentally came to a conclusion this afternoon that needs a lot more fleshing out, but I think one of the problems I have with Church-as-it-is is that we commit perjury - we say "it isn't about religion, it's about relationship", yet our entire service schedule and "church programming" mentality is bent away from relationship. The only time remotely approaching what you could call relationship is the standard exchange-of-greetings, and that because it is the only time you even acknowledge the person in the pew next to you.
What would a relational worship service look like? I am not even convinced that we don't need to throw out the whole concept of music worship during service, but supposing we kept it, how would it change to better line up with the reality of God. It seems like the chief characteristic of The Model For The Church, or Acts 2:42 as it is often called, was that all things were done together - really together, not just physically side by side. I think it is no coincedence that centimeters later Luke comments that they held all possesions in common, giving to each as he had need. I always complain about rich people having what others need and them not giving it, but maybe that is exactly because you can't get to Acts 2:44 without going through Acts 2:42. Hmm.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Tue Nov 08, 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you say "centimeters away" are you talking about 2D space (words on the page) or 3D (pages deep)... because if you are talking about 2D then I totally get it; if not then you are in Revelation or something... maybe even the concordance.

Mon Feb 13, 04:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Danny you mean-head. You had a blog all this time and you didn't tell me. I thought you were dead.

Why are you in starke? Are you in prison again?

We missed you at FCC those past four years. I graduated and everything.

You better let me know if you come down here.

Goto my website

Also, what is your IM?

Do it.


- Chet "Chet" Z**a (got to keep it anonymous).

You probably don't even check your email anymore!!!!!111

Mon Feb 13, 04:13:00 PM  

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